Thursday, 31 May 2007

Guild Calendar 2008

In 2008 you can have a quilt brighten every single day with the Guild's special calendar. The following winning quilts were selected from the entries in last year's calendar challenge:

  • Cover: Christmas Bells – Merelyn Pearce
  • January: A Little Beauty – Maree Witney
  • February: Pennsylvania Dutch – Karen Malone
  • March: ShimmersSandy Corry
  • April: Hitomi's Flower – Alan Tremain
  • May: Garden Pathways – Stephanie Knudson
  • June: Antique Wrought Iron – Julie Woods
  • July: Feathers & Flowers – Judy Day
  • August: A Walk in the Mist - Kay Haerland
  • September: Seven Daisies – Sue Rowles
  • October: Chicken Stir Fry – Deb Nichol
  • November: Spring Carnival – Liz Imrie
  • December: Natures Flambé – Denise Sargo
Smaller images of the remaining 45 entries also feature in the calendar. Calendars will be available for sale at the Sydney Quilt Show or from the Guild Office.
Price: $15+ postage (if applicable)
Add $1.50 per transaction if paying by credit card

ALL calendar challenge quilts will be on display at the Sydney Quilt Show.

Cover Christmas Bells – Merelyn Pearce

Monday, 28 May 2007

Sydney Quilt Show 2007 Gala Dinner

Come along for great company, and a sumptuous dinner as well as interesting words from our guest speaker, June Brown. June is a member of the ZIG ZAG group of textile artists and the group's tripARTite exhibition will be a highlight of the Sydney Quilt Show 2007. Artist journals from this exhibit will be available for review at the Gala Dinner and you'll also be able to view up close the 13 winning quilts from the Guild's 2008 calendar challenge.

Date: Friday 29 June 2007
Time: 6.00pm for 6.45pm dinner
Venue: Novotel Rockford, Little Pier Street, Darling Harbour
Cost: $55 per person for a 3 course menu

Bookings with payment must received by Friday 15 June 2007 at the Guild office.

Sunday, 27 May 2007

1 June Friday Showcase: Deborah Louie

Talented machine quilter and Guild accredited teacher, Deborah Louie, is the presenter of the Friday Showcase this Friday, 1 June 2007 (10am at the Guild office). Deborah was awarded the Home Domestic Machine Quilting prizes at Quilt Show 2005 and Quilt Show 2006. Look out for her entry in 2007!

When You Wish Upon A Latte Star by Deborah Louie

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Swansea Quilt Show: 1-3 June 2007

There will be a wonderful range of quilts – some for sale – some treasures for display only. A wide range of craft associated items, including patchwork, embroidery & much more will be for sale. A Patchwork Quilt will be raffled. The quilting ladies will be demonstrating their skills each day.
St. Peter’s Church Guild
4th Annual Quilt Show
28 Josephson Street, Swansea
Friday 1st, Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd June,
10.00am to 4.00pm daily

Opening Night this year will be hosted by “Telina of Kibukui of Belmont” who will be presenting a parade of Kimino’s and other related items.Tickets are $5.00 each and available from Lynette 4971 3700 or Jenny 4971 3853. Tickets are limited so please book early

St Peter's Church Guild Raffle Quilt

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Hanging Offences

In just over a month, the Sydney Quilt Show will be in full swing. That means NOW would be a really good time to finish your quilt entry, and I mean really finish it.

A label stating the name and address of the entrant must be securely sewn to the back of the quilt. The same name must be clearly marked on the bag in which the quilt is sent. (You will find a pattern for a simple quilt bag here - scroll to the bottom of the page - but a pillow case works too.)

All quilts more than 120cm wide must be submitted with a 6cm rod pocket/sleeve to facilitate hanging. All quilts less than 120cm wide require velcro strips top and bottom. Also, to prevent damage, it is essential that the velcro is "sealed" when you post or deliver your quilt. Check the instructions for exhibitors included in your acceptance letter for more details.

Guild member, Maggie, has posted a tutorial on her blog showing how to make a velcro casing strip so that you can easily remove the velcro after the show if you wish. This technique has the added bonus of keeping the hook and smooth velcro strips together with the quilt so nothing goes astray in the hanging process.

Remember, failure to comply with the quilt show hanging instructions may result in your quilt not being displayed as the organisers do not have time to sew on sleeves and velcro for you!

Monday, 21 May 2007

Block of the Quarter - June 2007

The Block of the Quarter for the June meeting at Burwood is Carrie Nation in autumn colours. All the instructions are in the Template, but here's a colour image to help you choose your fabrics:

The block is 12 1/2in unfinished. Bring your blocks to the Burwood meeting on 16 June or post them to reach the Guild office by 12 June.

Saturday, 19 May 2007

Quilt & Book Talk @ Kincumber: 22 May

Copacabana quiltmaker, Brenda Smith is presenting a "quilt and book" at:

Kincumber Library (behind the Shell service station)
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
10.30 - 11.30 am
Free admission - all welcome!

Since making her first quilt in 2000, patchwork, quilting and textiles have developed into a compelling avocation for Brenda. She delights in colour, experimentation and making her own contemporary designs. The quilts on display will include baby quilts, wall hangings and larger bed quilts. Brenda will also discuss some of her favourite patchwork and quilting books - a wonderful source of inspiration!
Tulipa Exotica by Brenda Smith

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Art to Wear: Feature Artist Trudy Billingsley

The spectacular Art to Wear exhibition is always a popular feature of the Sydney Quilt Show. Each year about 22 garments are selected from those submitted by Guild members. To be selected the garment should be an original design and concept, demonstrate craftsmanship and skill, with finish and presentation being of great importance. The very best of textile artists participate in this exhibition. It is also an opportunity for students and novices to participate.

To celebrate the Quilters Guild 25th Birthday, and to acknowledge the textile art and instigator of the Wearable Art Exhibition, Trudy Billingsley is this year’s feature artist.

Trudy has been a practising artist for 28 years, exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in Australia, Canada, Japan, Germany, Spain and New Zealand. Her work is included in the Powerhouse Museum collection. Come to the Sydney Quilt Show in June to see some more of Trudy's textile art.

Positions [soon to be] Vacant

In accordance with the Guild's constitution, the following positions will be vacated at the October Annual General Meeting as the relevant volunteers complete three years of service on the Guild's committee:

In coming weeks, further details about these positions will be posted on this blog and in the Guild newsletter. Being on committee is a fabulous opportunity to join an enthusiastic team that is passionate about quiltmaking and promoting events and services available to Guild members. Please contact President Lorraine if you would like more information.

Monday, 7 May 2007

Arcadian Quilters Quilt Show: 11-13 May

If you missed the Sutherland and Eastwood quilt shows last weekend, never fear! There's another fabulous quilt show on this Mother's Day weekend:
Arcadian Quilters Quilt Show
11th, 12th, 13th (Mothers Day) May 2007
Swanes Nursery, Galston Road, DURAL 2158
Admission: $5, children free
Raffle Quilt - all proceeds to Cancer Research and Local Charities

Saturday, 5 May 2007

Sydney Quilt Study Group

The Sydney Quilt Study Group currently manages The Quilt Study Group of Australia.The QSGA exists to promote interest and research into quilting in Australia. Members are committed to the study of quilts, both past and present. This study also encompasses the social and historic context in which the quilts are made. Further the group is committed to the recognition of contemporary quilt making, acknowledging its role in Australia's continuing heritage of quilts and quilt making. The committee organises meetings and activities for Members in accordance with these aims.

The Sydney Quilt Study Group has set up a blog which includes a calendar of forthcoming events. Check out:

Sydney Quilt Study Group Blog

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

It's in the mail

Quilt show acceptance letters were dispatched today together with special edition, 25th anniversary exhibitor ribbons for all individual entrants. Please contact the Exhibition Secretary if you do not receive your notification by 7 May.


The office ladies are currently preparing the volunteer roster for Quilt Show 2007. Every volunteer will receive a specially minted Quilt Show 2007 badge and we will have a daily prize draw for volunteers. If you have entered a quilt we would hope that you could give up to 4 hours of your time to help during the period of the show. If you have not entered a quilt, we would still appreciate your help so we may present The Quilters' Guild of NSW Inc. in the best possible way and ensure that the show runs smoothly. If you have not already done so, please complete and return your Volunteer Form as soon as possible.