Congratulations to Jenny Bowker who was awarded BERNINA Best of Show 2018 and first prize in the Pictorial Quilt (Open) category for her powerful quilt After the Last Sky:
Statement: 14th August 2013, Egyptian security and the army opened fire on supporters of President Morsi occupying the square of Raba'a el Adawiya. Between 817 - 2,000 were killed in the massacre. Based on a photo by Mosa'ab Elshamy.
Congratulations also to
Caroline Sharkey who was awarded
BERNINA Best of Southern Stars, first prize in the special themed category Southern Stars for her quilt
Star Talk:
Statement: The Night Sky and Magnitude of Stars seen from a Desert Landscape just blows your mind! The Southern Hemisphere offers some spectacular sky, such as the Magellanic Clouds. A Star Talk 'On Country' by Aboriginal Elders is a MUST!
Here are photos that you are welcome to copy and share. Be sure to link back to the
Sydney Quilt Show Online Gallery which features images of ALL of the wonderful prize winning quilts.
If you can't get to the show in person, check out the following links:
Sydney Quilt Show 2018 Prizewinners Gallery featuring over 100 quilts;
• download the
Sydney Quilt Show 2018 catalogue (2.4 MB PDF - text only)
• download
Sydney Quilt Show 2018 Prize List (PDF)
Photography Policy Reminder
If you are attending the show, you are welcome to photograph the quilts in the show for personal use and to post images online or in social media provided you acknowledge the quiltmaker(s) and, if applicable, the designer of the quilt. It's easy to do - all the details are on the quilt tags! Many quilt labels also include social media details so that you can directly link to the maker's website, blog, Facebook or Instagram profiles.
If you share images of quilts in social media, help us generate interest in the show by tagging your photos with the hashtags: #sydneyquiltshow, #quiltnsw and #craftandquiltfair.