I am delighted to report that most committee positions were filled at the Annual General Meeting on Saturday. However, we are still looking for a new person to take on the important communications role of Template Editor. The duties of the Template Editor include:
- receive, organise, edit and layout copy for the quarterly newsletter - The Template;
- gather information and write articles; take photos for use in The Template;
- liaise with contributors and proofreaders;
- liaise with the Guild's publicity officer, who provides advertising information and files;
- liaise with and check colour proofs from the printer;
- liaise with the Office Manager re printing, packing and distribution;
- provide content for the Guild website and blog;
- attend Guild and committee meetings; and
- promotion of the Guild's activities and services through The Template.
The position involves the following skills and resources:
- working with Microsoft publisher and photo editing software (both can be learned and are not difficult to master);
- access to e-mail and the internet - preferably broadband as some files are large - home would be better than work unless you have an understanding employer;
- the Guild provides a laptop computer with software; and
- an eye for design (as most quilters have!) and logical organisation of information.
The Template has undergone a revamp and redesign over the past year and the handover to the new editor includes useful files, documents and training as needed. There is about a month between the closing date for copy and sending of files to the printer, so you would have four busier months in the year. Preparation of the December issue is well advanced and many people have offered to assist by preparing articles and reporting on Guild activities.
This is a really way positive way in which you can contribute to the Guild's progress. Our newsletter remains a valuable communication to members and record of events. If you're interested and would like more information, please contact me - President Lorraine.