The QuiltNSW Activity Centre will be operating at the Sydney Quilt Show 2017:
- 10.00am – 12noon and 2.00 - 4.00pm Thursday 22 June; and
- 9.00am - 4.00pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 23-25 June.
Come and see how to make a quilt - and get involved if you wish!
Friendly quilt tutors will be demonstrating all stages of making the top and we encourage visitors to help with the sewing. We also would like younger visitors to help with arranging the blocks on the design wall.

Patterns for two simple blocks, Rail Fence and Disappearing Nine Patch, will be available for a gold coin donation which will go towards batting for the quilts.
We will be making the quilts for
Streethearts, an organisation that helps members of the community who are isolated, outcast and disadvantaged.
So come along, get involved, learn the basics of making a quilt and help this wonderful cause. We will be using sewing machines kindly lent to us by
BERNINA Australia.
QuiltNSW Community Quilts
Will be demonstrating their skills in pinning and making quilts which are then donated to appropriate causes and organisations. Community Quilts will be using two BERNINA 720 sewing machines kindly lent to us by BERNINA Australia.