An initiative of the Australian Design Centre, Sydney Craft Week is a celebration of Sydney's makers, and it is fitting that we have not one but three QuiltNSW events that coincide with this inaugural event.
Friday Showcase - Friday 6 October
Silky Travels by Grace Widders |
First up, is our regular Friday Showcase on Friday 6 October with Grace Widders. Grace ventured into our craft as a self taught quilter, beginning with a wall hanging kit, then a Mariner’s Compass. Joining Hunters Hill Quilters in 2000 opened new opportunities to Grace, inspired by the variety of talented group members to work with wool in Waggas, produce community quilts, join workshops, take up several committee positions and move into teaching machine quilting. Her work has been displayed and has won awards in several quilting shows, including at the Sydney Quilt Show and the Modern Quilt Show Australia.
Grace’s current quilt designs grow from fabric that 'talks to her’, enjoying the texture that wool and linen offer. Grace continues to teach at Material Obsession and whilst she machine quilts for others, still loves the process and appearance of hand quilting her own quilts. You may have admired Grace's beautiful hand quilting in this year's Raffle Quilt at the Sydney Quilt Show.
Friday Showcase is on Friday 6 October with the presentation starting at 10am. Visitors are most welcome so bring a friend along - $5 for members and $10 for visitors.
Annual General Meeting - Saturday 7 October
Burwood RSL
96 Shaftesbury Avenue
On Saturday 7 October, commencing at 10 am, we have our annual general meeting. Key highlights (with indicative times) are:
- Best of Show quilt from the Sydney Quilt Show will be on display with maker Pamela Brockwell to answer questions (10 am)
- Normal AGM meeting proceedings: financial reporting, announcements relating to some of our funding and scholarship programs, member show and tell and election of office bearers for the next 12 months (10.15 - 12 noon)
- Greg Alexander, managing director of BERNINA Australia, and Heather Middleton, outgoing Suitcase Challenge coordinator, will announce the winners of our annual travelling Suitcase Challenge competition from the 45 entries received (shortly after 1 pm). All entries will be on display all day with viewer's choice voting closing at 12 noon.
- Guest speaker: Noni Fisher, one of the original guild members, long time quilt teacher and passionate quilter (around 1.30 pm)
- Pop-up retail shop Sew Can I (all day)
- There will be afternoon tea at the conclusion of the AGM (around 2.45 pm) - free to members with a small charge for visitors.
Craft Up Late - Wednesday 11 October
QuiltNSW office
Level 5, 276 Pitt Street
We are participating in Craft Up Late on Wednesday 11 October by opening our office from 5 - 8 pm. Grace Widders will be there to talk about her quilts that will be hanging in the office; Jessica Wheelahan will have the entries from the 2017 Suitcase Challenge competition and some Committee members will be present to talk about what we do and how visitors can get involved with QuiltNSW. If you know a quilter who works in or lives close by the city, please suggest that they drop in and see us on Wednesday 11 October. Visitors are most welcome.
Beyond our events, the Australian Design Centre has gathered over 100 events in a comprehensive program that can be picked up from their gallery space or at one of the participants. We have a limited number of programs if you'd like to collect one from our office. Alternatively, the full program and more information can be accessed online.