Monday, 30 July 2012
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Friday Showcase 3 August: Isobel Lancashire
Isobel Lancashire presents Friday showcase at the Guild office at 10am on Friday, 3 August 2012. The entry fee is $5 entry for members and $10 for non members.
Pictured is Catherine Babidge, our July Friday Showcase Exhibitor and current Vice President, standing in front of a collaborative quilt that she and others worked on, inspired by Gee's Bend Quilters.
Over forty members attended Cath's amusing presentation of her quilting journey, and all could relate to her tales of the ubiquitous "UFO".
Please come along in August to hear Isobel relate her quilting quest.........All welcome!
Posted by
Guild President
9:32 am
Labels: Friday Showcase
Friday, 27 July 2012
Camden Country Quilters Guild 23rd Annual Exhibition
Quilt Show Saturday - Sunday 4 - 5 August 2012
The prolific Camden Country Quilters are again holding their exhibition in August.
They are exhibiting a large display of quilts including this year's Challenge.
There will be a demonstration table, trading tables, a quilt shop, and refreshments area.
Venue : The AH & I Hall, Argyle St. Camden
Times : 9.30am - 4.30 pm
Entry : $6.00
All Welcome!
Posted by
Guild President
3:00 am
Labels: What's On
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Block of The Quarter
The Template : May 2012, Page 36 includes instructions for the current Block of The Quarter
Posted by
Guild President
3:00 am
Labels: BOQ, Meetings, Template Newsletter
Monday, 23 July 2012
Library Update
The Quilters' Guild of New South Wales Inc. houses an extensive "goldmine" of information for both the quilting beginner and experienced quilter.
Members can avail themselves of books, current magazines and pamphlets, CD's, DVD's and slide sets, covering a wide range of stitching interest, from "how-to" to history.
Fabric Dyeing and Embellishment, Block construction, Applique, Art quilts, Design inspiration, Contemporary, Traditional, Textile history......Whatever is your current passion or whether you have "quilters block" then your library is sure to give you hours of delight.
There are a number of new entries on the shelves just waiting to spark creative juices.
Of special note are the many superb books recently donated from the library of the late Narelle Grieve.
Always a vibrant and "giving" Guild member, forever intent on sharing a quilt inspiration, this latest generosity from her family is warmly appreciated, and is now available for all guild members to enjoy.
Posted by
Guild President
3:00 am
Labels: Library
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Bulli Quilt Exhibition
Exquisite Quilts and Flowers 2012 Exhibition is scheduled for next weekend in Bulli.
Come and view the lovely display accompanied by live music from performer Mark Matthews.
Venue : Bulli Uniting Church
Corner Princes Highway and Point Street, Bulli
Dates : Saturday 28 July 9am - 4.30pm
Sunday 29 July 12 noon - 4.30 pm
Cost : $5.00 entry
$7.00 with refreshments
All Welcome!
Posted by
Guild President
3:00 am
Labels: What's On
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Attention : Bound to Please Workshop
Workshop Cancellation Notice
It is with regret that the Committee advises that the Bound to Please workshop with Brenda Gael Smith, scheduled for 1 August 2012, has been cancelled.
Apologies to all members for any inconvenience caused.
Posted by
Guild President
3:00 am
Labels: Workshops
Friday, 20 July 2012
Quilt Images : Policy.
Many quilt enthusiasts visited this years Quilt Show accompanied by their camera!
The Quilters' Guild of NSW Inc. approves the desire to take photos of the exhibition for one's own records only.
There is a Photographic Policy that States :
Posted by
Guild President
3:00 am
Labels: Guild Administration, Quilt Show 2012
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Sewing in the Office: 23 July
The next Sewing in The Office event for Community Quilts is on Monday 23 July 10.30am - 2.00pm
Come and join other dedicated Guild members as tops are Pieced, Appliqued and basted for quilting, thus producing wonderful quilts for the many needy children in society.
Linda Butcher is the member to whom further enquiries can be made.
Please bring your own lunch and sewing kit and join the other volunteers for this worthy cause.
Posted by
Guild President
3:00 am
Labels: Community Quilts
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
QSG : July Meeting Update
A reminder that the next Quilt Study Group Meeting will be held on 21 July at 2pm.
The Speaker will be Margaret Sampson George and the quilt design focus is Medallion Quilts.
HOWEVER Please Note : There is a change to venue details.
The QSG meeting will be held in The Target Theatre at the Powerhouse Museum
(not the Charles Kerry Meeting Room as previously advertised)
Date : 21 July 2012
Time : 2pm
Venue : Target Theatre
Powerhouse Museum
Cost : $5 for Guild Members
$15 for non guild members
All are welcome to attend.
Posted by
Guild President
3:00 am
Labels: Quilt Study Group
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Reminder: Under 35's Quilt Competition
To celebrate the Guild's 30th anniversary, Quilters Companion and Brother International (Aust) Pty Ltd are proudly sponsoring the 2012 Under 35's Quilt Competition How Does Your Garden Grow.
Be inspired by the theme to create a quilt no larger than 120 cm X 150 cm (portrait or landscape orientation).
Categories: Primary students, Secondary students, 18- 24 years, and 25–35 years.

- A Brother Sewing machine plus primary and secondary school winners will receive sewing machines for their schools;
- A Quilters pack from Quilters Companion Magazine;
- A copy of The Promise of Joy by Kathy Doughty, from Material Obsession;
- EVERY entrant will receive a free digital magazine subscription for Quilters Companion and Homespun Magazines and Quilters Companion 2013 Diary.
Download Under 35s Quilt Competition Entry Form (


Posted by
Guild President
10:31 am
Labels: Call for Entries
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Textile Exhibition : Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney
Next month the Australian Textile Arts and Surface Design Association Inc. will once again be holding their biennial exhibition.
This display of member's artworks, titled Fragment, demonstrates ATASDA's stunning diversity within the textile art world.
Fabrication techniques cover a diverse spectrum of traditional and innovative contemporary exploration, from dyeing, felting, embroidery, knitting, weaving, printing, and other embellishment and cloth construction methods, with the resulting works, both two and three dimensional, an exciting visual odyssey for anyone involved with, and appreciative of, Textile Art.
Members from across Australia are delighted, this year, to share their journeys within the textile art world to visitors at Palm House, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney.
Exhibition Opening : Saturday,18 August 2012 at 2.00pm, by Liz Williamson, Head of Textiles, COFA
Exhibition Duration : Thursday, 16 Aug to Tuesday, 28 Aug (closing at 2.00pm)
Opening Hours : 10.00am to 4.00pm (including weekends)
Note : Entry to Palm House is Free.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Posted by
Guild President
3:00 am
Labels: What's On
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Replica Frederica Josephson Coverlet Project
- Kim Bradley Creations – who made and donated the acrylic templates and all the papers we used.
- Melinda Smith from Quiltsmith donated money towards the cost of fabrics
- The Quilters’ Guild of NSW Inc. gave money to defray the costs of making the coverlet
- Jennifer Corkish donated the Aurifil threads we used
- Guild members Sandra Lyons, Liz Bonner and Kate Holden donated special fabrics used in the coverlet.
Posted by
QuiltNSW Webmaster
6:00 am
Friday, 6 July 2012
Taking Leaf of My Senses Exhibition by Sue Dennis
Taking Leaf of My Senses, a solo exhibition of Guild member Sue Dennis opens at Warwick Art Gallery, Queensland on 6 July and continues to 19 August 2012.
Whether Sue is in the Australian bush, travelling overseas or at home trying to tame her garden, she is observing the shape, colour and variety of foliage present. A humble leaf is transformed via paint, fabric and stitch into a unique snapshot of place and time.
Work from 2006 to 2012, and both Australia and North America will be represented in her exhibition.
![]() |
In the Moonlight by Sue Dennis |
Posted by
QuiltNSW Webmaster
6:00 am
Labels: Member News, What's On
Quilt Study Group - Focus on Medallion Quilts: 21 July 2012
Join members of the Quilt Study Group of New South Wales to learn more about Medallion Quilts.
Our guest speaker this month is Margaret Sampson George who is well known for her wonderful quilts using this method of construction. She will show many examples of her quilts, whilst explaining how they have changed over the years. Please bring your own Medallion Quilts for Show and tell after Margaret's Talk.
Venue : Charles Kerry Meeting Room
Level 5, Powerhouse Museum
Date : 2 pm 21 July 2012
Cost : Guild Members $5
Non Guild Members $15
Entry to The Powerhouse is free . . Meeting costs are payable at the meeting.
Afternoon tea will be provided and anyone is most welcome to attend these meetings.
Posted by
Guild President
3:00 am
Labels: Quilt Study Group
Sunday, 1 July 2012
Enjoy Needlework?
Many quilters wear several creative hats; interest in all things "Textiles" broadens our knowledge and appreciation of our craft of choice.
There is a Society of Needlework Tool Collectors in Australia who have informed our guild of the visit to Sydney 'of one of their own'. Perhaps you have heard of Kay Sullivan, the International Author of 'Needlework Tools and Accessories : A Dutch Tradition'.She is a prolific magazine contributor of articles about these interesting and historical items and the current Australian Convenor of this Society, Kerry Easton, warmly invites all quiltmakers to Kay's forthcoming talk, entitled " Dutch and European Needlework Tools". Further information about this Sydney meeting can be perused by clicking on this link
Date : Saturday 28 July
Time : 10am - 12noon
Cost : $5
Venue : Beecroft Presbyterian Church Hall, Mary Street, Beecroft
(enter from parking area in Welham Street)
All visitors are most welcome.
For bookings please contact webmaster@needleworktoolcollectors or call on 0421 998 136
Posted by
Guild President
3:00 am
Labels: What's On